Research Impact

Additional ESRC IAA funding has been provided to the ITDEQC projects to develop research impact of these projects.  As part the impact development activities we have run a series of teacher workshops and seminars including:

  • A workshop on adapting PLC materials for Chinese teachers involving 50+ teacher representatives and local government officials from across China at National Institute for Education Sciences, Beijing on 9th Nov 2016; (see
  • A workshop on adapting PLC materials for Chinese teachers involving 40+ local school teachers and government officials at Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang on 11th Nov 2016;(see
  • A Workshop on adapting PLC materials for Chinese teachers involving  40+ educational researchers and postgraduate students at Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang on 12th Nov 2016; (see
  • A workshop introducing the PLC concept and ITDEQC PLC materials for 50+ teachers from Tianjin at East China Normal University, Shanghai on 14th July 2017; (see
  • A Seminar introducing the PLC concept and ITDEQC PLC materials  for local school teachers, policy makers and academics at Peking University, Beijing on 7th Nov 2017
  • A Seminar and workshop introducing the PLC concept and ITDEQC PLC materials  for local school teachers and policy makers at Beijing Normal University, Beijing on 8th Nov 2017
  • A Seminar and workshop introducing the PLC concept and ITDEQC PLC materials  for local school teachers and policy makers at Yuxi Education Bureau, Yunnan on 10th Nov 2017
  • A Seminar and workshop introducing the PLC concept and ITDEQC PLC materials  for local school teachers and policy makers at National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County, Taiwan on 17th Nov 2017.

We have also translated into Chinese the PLC booklets used in the research (Stoll, L, Bolam, R, McMahon, A, Thomas, S, Wallace, M, Greenwood, A and Hawkey, K , 2006) and produced a ITDEQC Policy Brief and Teachers PLC Toolkit in Chinese.  These documents are freely available via the links below.  The new materials are aimed at teachers, school leaders and other leaders of professional learning.  We hope they will provide food for thought in promoting teacher learning and developing schools as professional learning communities in Chinese and similar country contexts in East Asia:

Booklet 1: User guide (PDF, 417kB) (使用指南:开始思考并规划您的专业学习共同体)

Booklet 2: Creating and sustaining an effective professional learning community (PDF, 685kB) (手册二:创建并维持一个有效的专业学习共同体)

Booklet 3: Setting professional learning communities in an international context (PDF, 419kB) (手册三: 在国际背景下建立您的专业学习共同体)

Booklet 4:Broadening the learning community: key messages (PDF, 564kB)(手册四:拓展学习共同体:要点)

Booklet 5:Exploring the idea of professional learning communities (PDF, 579kB)(手册五:探究专业学习共同体的的理念)

Booklet 6: Investigating the culture of your professional learning community (PDF, 404kB)(手册六:发掘您的专业共同体文化)

Booklet 7:Comparing your preferred future & the current situation in your pro (PDF, 374kB)(手册七:将专业学习共同体的现状与您理想中的专业学习共同体进行比较)

Booklet 8: Deciding where you are as a professional learning community (PDF, 563kB)(手册八:判别专业学习共同体的发展阶段)

Booklet 9:Planning your professional learning community (PDF, 365kB)(手册九: 设计您的专业学习共同体)

Booklet 10:Developing your professional learning community (PDF, 645kB)(手册十:发展您的专业学习共同体)

Booklet 11:Bringing about change: Starting out, developing and sustaining (PDF, 720kB)(手册十一:加快转变进程:专业学习共同体的启动、发展与维持)

Booklet 12:Reflecting on the progress of your professional learning community (PDF, 336kB)(手册十二:对您的专业学习共同体的发展进程进行反思)

Booklet 13:Assessing the impact of your professional learning community (PDF, 437kB)(手册十三:评估您的专业学习共同体)

ITDEQC Policy Brief‌ (PDF, 643kB)(改进中国和东亚地区的教师发展和教育质量——政策概要)

ITDEQC teachers PLC toolkit (draft) (PDF, 1,410kB)(改进中国和东亚地区的教师发展和教育质量——给教师专业学习共同体的工具包)

ITDEQC Policy Brief‌ (Thai) (PDF, 555kB)  (การพัฒนาครูและคุณภาพการศึกษาในประเทศจีนและเอเชียตะวันออก  ข้อเสนอเชิงนโยบาย)

ITDEQC Policy Brief (in Vietnamese) (PDF, 484kB) (Cải thiện việc phát triển nghiệp vụ cho giáo viên và chất lượng giáo dục tại Trung Quốc và Đông Á Bản tóm tắt chính sách)

ITDEQC Policy Brief (in Malaysian) (PDF, 460kB) (Penambahbaikan Pembangunan Guru dan Kualiti Pendidikan di China dan Asia Timur Ringkasan Polisi)



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