Publications and project resources


See also:

IEEQC and ITDEQC information on ESRC website

ESRC micro-site with projects listed by call and research themes


News Items

'Parents' craze for good schools likely to continue', an article written by ITDEQC project China coordinator Jianzhong Li for China Daily on 13th March 2014

' 教师专业发展的中国“烙印”' (China Footprint of Teachers' Continuing Professional Development) (PDF, 559kB), news article by ITDEQC project China coordinator Jianzhong Li and project Director Prof Thomas about the project findings in the current situation of teachers' continuing professional development in China and the comparison with OECD countries - published at page 7 in China Education Daily: Global Weekly on 14th January 2014.

'Education reform to help students', an article written by ITDEQC project China coordinator Jianzhong Li for China Daily on 5th December 2013

'大规模学校实证研究在中国可行' (large-scale empirical school research is feasible in China), news feature about a recent one-day seminar jointly organised by National Center for School Curriculum and Textbook Development Ministry of Education, Beijing Education Examination Authority, and National Institute of Education Sciences (NIES) / University of Bristol ITDEQC project that was published at page 7 in China Education Daily: Global Weekly on 1st November 2013 – The article particularly points out ITDEQC director Professor Thomas’s presentation suggesting that measuring educational quality has to consider from whose perspective that quality is judged, and what data are used to form an opinion of quality as well as what standards or measures are used to make quality of judgement.

'A road to education system reform', invited article written by Prof Sally Thomas for China Daily on 5th November 2012

'Fairer access to quality schools', invited article written by Prof Sally Thomas for China Daily on 4th July 2012

'Improving education quality in rural areas', invited article written by Prof Sally Thomas for China Daily on 23rd November 2011

Mr Li Jianzhong, ITDEQC researcher contributes to China Daily debate on 'School selection fees', 26th September 2011

'The importance of quality education', invited article written by Prof Sally Thomas for China Daily on 15th July 2010

Chinese article on IEEQC project launch in China Education Daily on 25th November 2008

IEEQC - Improving Educational Evaluation and Quality in China ITDEQC - Improving Teacher Development & Educational Quality in China

Publications relevant to IEEQC/ITDEQC projects include:

Conference presentation resources

ITDEQC project resources

As part of the ITDEQC project the case study schools were provided with the following resources:

Stoll, L, Bolam, R, McMahon, A, Thomas, S, Wallace, M, Greenwood, A and Hawkey, K (2006) Professional Learning Communities: source materials for school leaders and other leaders of professional learning. (13 Booklets; 143 pages). Professional Development Resources produced to disseminate and extend findings from the DfES funded Creating and Sustaining Effective Professional Learning Communities project.

These materials were produced for the National College for School Leadership (NCSL), General Teaching Council for England (GTC) and DfES Innovation Unit (DfES-0187-2006). (Booklets are freely available online E.g. at NCSL source 1 and source 2).

A Chinese translation of the introductory Booklets 1 and 2 are available here:

Booklet User guide: getting started and thinking about your journey (Office document, 228kB) (使用指南:启动和思考您的专业学习共同体之行动旅程) (MSWord, 229 Kb)

Booklet 2: Creating and sustaining an effective professional learning community (Office document, 226kB) (参考手册二:创建并持续一个有效的专业学习共同体) (MSWord, 227 Kb)

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