
IEEQC - Improving Educational Evaluation and Quality in China ITDEQC - Improving Teacher Development & Educational Quality in China

A wide range of research users will potentially benefit from and be actively supported by the ITDEQC and IEEQC projects via seminars/conferences, publications, training materials and web resources targeted on a range of audiences. It is anticipated that beneficiaries will include:

  1. Educational policy makers in government departments and local authorities in China/UK (eg MOE, DCSF) as well as more widely in both developed and developing countries.
  2. Educational stakeholders including teachers, teacher trainers, practitioners, parents, and students.
  3. Academic researchers across a range of disciplines both in Chinese/UK academic institutions and in other countries, and particularly researchers focusing on educational quality in developing countries (eg via DFID EdQual research programme).

Moreover, the critical role that education quality, and also fair and accurate school and student evaluation, plays in poverty reduction means that potential beneficiaries also include organisations such as DFID, Oxfam, NGOs, and the World Bank, as well as international development agencies (eg UNESCO), educational charities (eg The Ford Foundation), and other development community stakeholders with a responsibility for education of children and young people. Specifically this is because, for example, improved literacy is linked with improved health outcomes, higher incomes and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas and improved quality in secondary education contributes to improved skills base and entrepreneurialism in developing areas (EFA, 2005).

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