Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE)

The Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE) brings together doctoral researchers and academics from a range of disciplinary backgrounds interested in the study of education systems, practice and policy across different countries and geographical regions.

Committed to achieving social and epistemic justice through research and public engagement, we draw on a wide range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, for example, sociological, historical, philosophical, post-colonial, arts-based inquiry and statistical analysis, to develop influential and timely research that addresses national and global educational concerns. We seek to work with policymakers and practitioners nationally and globally to realise transformative change. CIRE currently hosts the UNESCO Chair on Transforming Knowledge and Research for Just and Sustainable Futures. We promote equitable research partnerships by challenging geographical and professional divides in the production and dissemination of knowledge.

Study with us

World leading CIRE researchers are proud to teach across the undergraduate, masters and doctoral programmes at the School of Education. Find out about our courses and how to apply.

CIRE blog

CIRE members and friends reflect on issues relating to epistemic, social and environmental justice in education in this blog. Please contact us if you wish to contribute. 

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