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School of Education celebrates undergraduate student awarded the Evelyn Miller-Barstow Prize

BSc Education Studies Fleur Hoyle

School of Education award winner Fleur Hoyle (UG, BSc Education Studies)

5 July 2024

The School of Education is proud to announce that BSc Education Studies student Fleur Hoyle is the recipient of the prestigious Evelyn Miller-Barstow prize for exceptional performance in her second year. This accolade is given annually to a student who demonstrates outstanding academic excellence and dedication.

Undergraduate student Fleur Hoyle, who is now in her 3rd year at the University of Bristol, has truly exemplified these qualities, excelling in her studies, showing hard-work and dedication, despite facing personal challenges.

Reflecting on her achievement, Fleur shared, "I was surprised and proud to receive the Evelyn Miller-Barstow prize for exceptional performance in my second year. This year was particularly challenging for me as I had a one-year-old at home, and I am very grateful to the staff at the School of Education for all their support."

Dr. William Baker, the Undergraduate Programme Director at the School of Education, commended Fleur's remarkable dedication and resilience. 

‘Fleur is a gifted and exceptional student who has consistently produced outstanding work during her studies. She should be proud for winning this prize which she thoroughly deserves. Everyone in the School of Education congratulates you on your achievements.’

The School of Education at the University of Bristol is committed to fostering an environment where students can thrive academically and personally. Fleur's story is an inspiring example of the potential within each student to achieve greatness. The university community celebrates her success and looks forward to her future achievements.

Congratulations Fleur on this outstanding accomplishment!

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