Bristol Conversations in Education - How youth use their literacies to work algorithms for their own purposes

27 April 2022, 10.00 AM - 27 April 2022, 11.00 AM

Christian Ehret, Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada

Online event. Please register via the link below to receive further details.

This event is part of the School of Education's Bristol Conversations in Education research seminar series. These seminars are free and open to the public.

Hosted by the Language, Literacies and Education Network (LLEN)

Speaker: Christian Ehret, Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada

This talk will introduce key issues related to becoming digitally literate in relation to emerging technologies and digital cultures. It introduces the concept of ‘working the algorithm’ to describe critical literacy practices that train online algorithms to produce meaningful, diverse content better suited to individual desires than to corporate interests.

Data from ethnographic research in Canada illustrate how young adults work algorithms for their own purposes, including producing meaningful cultures and critically resisting, and re-authoring, the data-driven, neoliberal, and sometimes racializing, cultures that many corporate algorithms can produce.


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