Developing curricula about violent pasts: EdJAM dialogue

22 May 2023, 1.30 PM - 22 May 2023, 2.30 PM

This is an ONLINE EVENT: Please find Zoom details at the end of your order confirmation email.

Developing curricula about violent pasts: EdJAM dialogue (online only)

Bilingual event with English and Spanish Channels

A dialogue across EdJAM projects about developing curricula and curricular resources for teaching and learning about violent pasts. Join us for a conversation about developing curricula around violent pasts and silenced narratives and implementing these curricula in classrooms. There will be presentations from EdJAM  projects in Colombia and Cambodia on their experiences developing history education materials. 

Chair: Dr Sameen A. Mohsin Ali,

EdJAM Network Project Presentations:

Carolina Valencia from Teaching the recent past in Cúcuta, Colombia

Disconcerting past – History education on mass atrocities (Cambodia)

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