Bristol Conversations in Education - Ibali: exploring stories of educational inclusion/exclusion

8 December 2022, 2.00 PM - 8 December 2022, 3.00 PM

Dr Alison Buckler - The Open University, Dr Jennifer Agbaire - The Open University, Dr Katherine Collins - University of Oxford

This is a HYBRID EVENT: Join the event in person or by Zoom | Please find Zoom details at the end of your order confirmation email. Room 3.23 | Wills Memorial Building Clifton Bristol BS8 1JA

This event is part of the School of Education's Bristol Conversations in Education research seminar series. These seminars are free and open to the public.

Hosted by the Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE)


‘Inclusion’ is a widely used but under-conceptualised ‘buzzword’ in education research, and there is often little consideration of how research processes that generate knowledge around inclusion are, in themselves, inclusive. Funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Ibali project uses storytelling to explore perspectives and experiences of educational inclusion and exclusion with young people and teachers in Nigeria, South Africa and the UK. But alongside, it also critically explores the storytelling approach which, whilst gaining popularity as a research tool, is often under-theorised and used uncritically and even problematically in research and practice. The project team comprises researchers of inclusion, storytelling facilitators and ethnographers trained in the UK, South Africa and Nigeria respectively. Together, we are facilitating storytelling research workshops with young people and teachers in the three country contexts as well as individually and collaboratively documenting and analysing the storytelling process, exploring how researchers and participants make sense of storytelling as a meaningful approach to researching and communicating people’s lived experiences. 

In this seminar, three members of the project’s team – Drs Alison Buckler, Jennifer Agbaire and Katherine Collins - will talk about experiences and emerging insights so far as the project approaches the end of its first year. We will also screen some stories about experiences of inclusion and exclusion from our workshop with young people in the UK.

Project website:

Twitter: @Ibali_Network

Dr Alison Buckler

Alison is a Senior Research Fellow in International Education at The Open University, UK, where she is Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Development (CSGD). She is also the Vice Chair of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE). Her work focuses on using creative and narrative approaches to researching education, and she is a co-founder of the Ibali Network which supports and connects people interested in using storytelling methodologies.

Dr Jennifer Agbaire

Jennifer is a Research Associate at The Open University, UK, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE) at the University of Bristol. She is also the Executive Secretary of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE). Her research interests are around social identities, equity and inclusion in education as well as innovative, creative, participatory and co-creative research approaches. Her work and experience span access, quality, policy, leadership, teaching and teacher education across all levels of education and with a greater focus on a range of Global South contexts - from Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa to Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Chile and the Philippines. Jennifer had previously been Lecturer in Education at the University of Benin, Nigeria, and had held teaching and research posts at the University of Sussex. As well as being part of the core research team on Ibali, she is also the Project Manager.

Dr Katherine Collins

Katherine has held posts at UWE, Goldsmiths College, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) and Oxford’s Department of Education. Her interests include creative-critical research practices in education; critical pedagogies and epistemologies of the south; disciplinary edges and research cultures; and anti-extractive methodologies in education. Current research projects include Ibali, which explores narratives of educational inclusion in Nigeria, South Africa and the UK via digital storytelling; and Liquid Voices, a multi-disciplinary collaborative hybrid text exploring the poetics of academic research. With Elleke Boehmer, she founded the Southern Lives Network in 2020. Their co-edited collection, Life-Writing and the Southern Hemisphere: Texts, spaces, resonances, will be published in 2024 by Bloosmbury Academic. Her poetry has appeared in Finished Creatures, Bath Magg, The Rialto, Shearsman Magazine, Ink Sweat and Tears, Anthropocene, and the anthology Science of the Seas.


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