About the group
We have strong links to the Geochemistry, Petrology, Geophysics, Volcanology and Palaeobiology research groups in the School of Earth Sciences, as well as the Organic Geochemistry Unit in the School of Chemistry, the Freshwater Biogeochemistry group, the Bristol Glaciology Centre, and BRIDGE (Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment) in the School of Geographical Sciences, and the Cabot Institute for the Environment.
Current research themes include:
- Climate controls on the global weathering thermostat
- Predicting carbonate diagenesis using process based studies
- Tectonics, climate and copper in the Central Andes
- Silicon cycling in the oceans
- Geochemical proxies for palaeoclimate reconstruction
- Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of wetlands
- Quantifying disequilibrium processes in basaltic volcanism
- Rates and mechanisms of mineral weathering and soil formation in the Critical Zone
- The past and future of coral reefs; Reconstructing tropical climate and environmental variability
- Sources of phosphorus to UK rivers
- The impact of fracking on critical zone geochemistry and microbial communities