Wellbeing and community space

Wellbeing and community space were key themes of PRES 2019. Find out how the Bristol Doctoral College is taking action on these important issues.

You said... 

  • [We would like] provision of spaces in which to depressurise and meet others from across the university are always welcome. Also, the addition of activities outside of the undergraduate activities would also be nice, though they would probably be more successful if initiated by the postgraduate community. 
  • “[We would like] common room space where they can unwind and chat to other PGRs about their experiences.” 
  • “[We would like] more social activities, encouragement to take vacations (and not the opposite!). 

What the university is doing

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic: 

  • The PGR Hub re-opened in Senate House in September 2019 and provides dedicated common space for PGR students to relax and meet the rest of their community. (Unfortunately the Hub closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
  • We increased the number of social events for PGR students in 2019-20. There were 241 attendees at social and wellbeing events in October 2019 alone (an increase of 218 from October 2018). 
  • There were 1,232 total visitors to the Hub in 2019 – an increase of 258 people compared with the previous year. Hub attendees joined us for regular coffee and cake afternoons and range of other events – including a board games café, plant potting workshops and silent reading sessions.
  • When the Hub is open, the Hub Assistant role is occupied by a current PGR, providing us with support, ideas and engagement from within the student community. 
  • We are enabled more student-led in person social events in 2019-20 than 2018-19 with our PGR Community Fund, including a social event for Arts & Humanities PGRs, a Movie Quiz, a Hub Pub Quiz and a Halloween Party.  
  • We offered free weekly yoga sessions at the Hub prior to lockdown, which we hope to resume when possible, in line with public health guidelines.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic: 

  • In 2020-21, the Bristol Doctoral College piloted a buddying scheme specifically for PGRs – PGR Circles. The scheme had over 200 appllications in its first round.
  • We have focused on providing online support and tips and tools for PGRs, including tips on working from home, remote supervision and videolink vivas as well as a podcast for PGR voices (PGRcast), which provides a chance for PGRs to share their experiences during the pandemic. 
  • We have also worked with the APVC (PGR), Education Services and central communications team to ensure tailored and relevant communications about the pandemic are sent to PGRs on a regular basis. 
  • The PGR Community Fund refocused on encouraging PGRs to run online events, which has resulted in student-led online film screenings and quizzes. 
  • We also ran a host of online community events and activities during lockdown, from book clubs, to film screenings, quizzes and  interactive workshops. 
  • Our annual Research Without Borders festival and Three Minute Thesis competitions both pivoted to online activities. 

Find out more 


“The quiz was a great way to connect PGR students from across a range of schools and departments for a fun, informal gathering. The Hub has a great atmosphere and provides a very welcoming space that facilitates a good sense of community for all PGRs which is also benefitted by how helpful and friendly the PGR Hub team are!” Eleanor (SPAIS), organiser of the Hub Pub Quiz, 2019 

"The instructor was really good and the sessions have helped my flexibility and posture and I’m getting less soreness at my desk now." PGR Hub yoga attendee, 2019

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