International foundation programme: attendance requirement

As an International Foundation Programme (IFP) student visa holder, we need to check that you are engaging with your studies. This will also tell us if you need any help to complete the IFP.

IFP attendance requirement

You must attend all your timetabled classes in person during term time.

As your visa sponsor, we must report any changes to your studies. This includes:

Your attendance and engagement with the IFP may be used to consider how your application progresses for another University of Bristol programme.

If you do not meet the attendance requirement

You need to attend at least 85% of your classes per month (page 20: PDF). If you do not (or cannot) meet this requirement, we will contact you to discuss:

  • why you were absent  
  • support you need resume your studies
  • explain how it will affect your visa if you continue to not attend.

You must respond when we contact you.

If you miss two months

If do not attend at least 70% or more for two months in a row, we will:

  1. review any information you provide on the absence report form. This includes supporting evidence we may ask you to send.
  2. contact you to discuss your circumstance and how you will improve your attendance.
  3. decide whether your case needs reviewing by the Faculty and Student Visa Teams.

If you miss three months

If you do not attend at least 70% or more of your classes for 3 months in a row, we must:

Record your attendance

You must record your attendance via the University of Bristol app even if you are late. But if you are consistently late, your tutor will discuss this with you.

If you have a disability and need help recording your attendance, contact your IFP support team

Missing a class

If you were absent from a class or need to miss one, you must tell us why by submitting an absence report form. This is a requirement of your visa conditions. 

Absence report form:

Get support

Support team

If you are struggling, you must get support to help you succeed on the IFP. Your IFP support teams are:

More help

You can get more help from any of the following services. Your IFP support team can help you decide which people or service you should speak to:

How your monthly attendance is calculated

Your monthly attendance % is calculated by your attendance to these in person mandatory classes:

  • workshops
  • lectures
  • seminars
  • subject tutorials.

Your monthly attendance data does not include the following activities:

  • online classes
  • watching lecture recordings
  • personal tutor meetings  
  • meeting on Microsoft teams or Skype
  • doing the required laboratory work
  • submitting essays and assignments in person
  • attending exams in person
  • online examinations
  • online submission of work.

Take a break from your studies

If you need to take a long break, you should consider suspending (officially pausing) your studies. This way, you will not fail to meet the attendance requirement.

If you suspend your studies:

  1. we will withdraw your visa sponsorship
  2. you will need to leave the UK
  3. you need to apply for a new CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies)/visa to return.  

There is a time limit on how long you can do below degree level. Speak to your IFP support team if you are interested.

If you suspend (officially pause) or withdraw (leave) from your course, you will be responsible for tuition fees up to the date of your last attendance. 

Leave during term time

We cannot approve or advise on absence during term-time, unless you want to suspend your studies. Any absence during term time (including illness or family circumstances) could affect your visa. If you still want to take leave, you should discuss it with your IFP support team first

Change where you study

You cannot study from another location (anywhere outside of Bristol). If your situation means that you cannot attend in person, speak with your IFP support team as soon as possible to discuss your options.

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