Room use and rules

Central teaching space is bookable by many different users within the University so we all need to look after the rooms for the benefit of all.

Please consider other users by keeping these few simple rules:

  • If you move furniture, return it to its original position, as shown on the room layout poster displayed in the room.
  • Do not remove furniture. Capacity is based on the layout and quantity of available furniture.
  • Catering is not permitted in most central teaching spaces. Rooms where catering is allowed
  • Alcohol is not permitted in any central teaching space.
  • Remove or recycle all rubbish and handouts at the end of the session.
  • Finish at 10 minutes to the hour to allow the following users time to set up. Sessions are scheduled in 50-minute blocks. 
  • Be familiar with fire safety and evacuation routes. Find details on the quick reference cards in each room. 
  • Clean all boards at the end of the session.

For more information see the full Central Teaching Space Etiquette

Report an issue

Report untidy rooms with location, date, and time to

Report issues with other room users to or to the School Manager, as appropriate, stating location, date, and time.


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