The Content System is one of the additional modules of the Blackboard VLE, purchased as part of the Integrated e-Learning Services (IELS) project. The Content System provides enhanced document storage, management and sharing functionality not available in the current basic version of Blackboard.
All staff and students already have access to the content system, simply click on the tab called “Content” in Blackboard and you will be taken to the “My Content” area which is the simplest area of the content system and can be used as a convenient way to store your files online. For all staff that use Blackboard for teaching they will see a new area in each course called “Content” and this is where all the files for that course are stored.
No, if staff want to they can simply continue adding files to blackboard in the slightly slow way that they have always done. However if they do want to benefit from “drag and drop” upload to their courses all they need to do is watch the two following 30 second videos.
Obviously the system can do much more than this and there is support and training for staff that want to learn more – but you only need one spare minute to get started.
Some of the key functionality of this repository tool includes: