School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Students weren't happy with the (written) feedback they received; sometimes they misunderstood the points their tutors were making, or simply didn't look at the feedback at all. Markers feared that students looked at the mark then ignored the constructive feedback, missing a learning experience.
A compulsory 10 credit Finite Element Analysis (FEA) unit on the 3rd year (UK FHEQ level 6) of a BEng/Meng Mechanical Engineering degree was used to investigate if the giving of feedback could be improved. The course averaged around 165 students during the four years of the study.
Creating traditional feedback for the 165 submissions was taking a total of around 30 hours. Written feedback was dragged and dropped from a pool in Turnitin. Lecturers could see that many students hadn't even looked at the feedback.
Students were given a choice between receiving feedback via:
Lecturers recorded video screen cast (VSC) feedback using Mosaic, annotating with a graphics tablet (later an iPad was used).
VSC is an alternative to written feedback, where a tutor makes an audio-narrated video recording of their screen while they mark. The verbal component can fit a lot of information into a short time. Visuals and tone-of-voice adds further information, and makes a human connection between the tutor and student. Screen-drawing tools enable even richer feedback.
A decision was made to avoid time-consuming editing or to seek perfection: Recordings were paused when breaks were needed, and tutors simply carried on through any mistakes or background noises.
The new feedback methods were evaluated using two anonymised surveys, starting in 2015/16, the year before VSC feedback was introduced.
1. Firstly, the Engineering Faculty’s unit survey system was used to ask students seven questions about the unit, two of which were about feedback. (This kind of survey is standard faculty practice and did not add any additional workload to what students already expected.)
2. An extra survey was created to get more detailed responses to the new feedback methods. Students answered using scaler ratings, yes/no and freeform text. Some questions were changed between different years of the unit, but the following were used each time:
As shown in figure 1, over 60% of students wanted to receive screencast and voice recordings, around 30% wanted the existing Turnitin feedback, and under 10% wanted voice-only recordings for feedback.
Figure 1. Polled student response of preferred feedback mechanism
Creating the videos took a similar amount of time (around 30 hours for an average of 165 students each year) to creating the written feedback. Importantly, markers reported less fatigue creating the VSC when compared with traditional written feedback.
Following the trial of VSC feedback there were 30% more responses to surveys than was normal.
Lecturers could show student work next to real-world examples, and found it easier to explain issues such as low resolution images.
Students actually watched the feedback videos, and it was possible to track this.
Responses to survey questions "Opportunities to obtain feedback on progress?" and "Feedback prompt and useful?" rose from around 3.5 to nearly 5, starting from when VSC was introduced (figure 2).
Figure 2. Student score of (a) “opportunities to obtain feedback on progress”, (b) “feedback was prompt and useful”