Planning electronic submission, marking and feedback

AEA exams support Multiple submission attempts considerations (PDF)

Step 1: Check with your School admin team if there is an existing workflow

Your School may already have an online submission and marking workflow (a standard way of running assessments). Contact your School admin team to see if there is an existing workflow that meets your requirements. If that's the case, see Guidance on recommended and previously supported workflows. They may also have School-specific guidance which you can use.

Step 2: Choose a workflow

If there is no existing practice that suits your requirements, you need to decide which workflow will be best in your context. Workflows are available for both University supported online marking tools – Blackboard and Turnitin. Use the menu below to help decide. If you need a workflow for group assignments, submission of multiple documents at once or will give feedback via an attached file eg feedback form, then you should use a Blackboard workflow. If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact the Digital Education Office as early as possible.

Recommended workflows:

Workflow  Blackboard Offline Blackboard Online Turnitin
Group submission possible Yes Checkmark Yes Checkmark No X mark
Multiple/Large documents Yes Checkmark Yes Checkmark Single document, size and type limited
Full student anonymity Yes Checkmark Yes Checkmark Yes Checkmark
Distributed anonymous marking possible Yes Checkmark No X mark Yes Checkmark
Download vs Online marking Download only Online (Downloadable if required) Online only
Anonymous moderation Yes Checkmark Yes, but requires workaround Yes Checkmark
File size Less than 2500MB Less than 2500MB Less than 100MB

Please note that the maximum file size per Blackboard submission is 2500MB.

Step 3: Setup and test the workflow

Once you have selected your workflow, use the guidance to set up and run through the workflow in a test Blackboard course with a test student. It is essential to test before using real assessments, and this will also enable you to see the student perspective. Failure to test may result in lost submissions or feedback. To request a test course or if there are any issues with your test, please contact

Step 4: Implement the workflow

Now you have tested your workflow you can implement it into your course. Follow the instructions in the guidance above just as you did for your test.

Health and safety

If you are marking or administering marking online please see the Safety and Health services workplace guidance on using display screen equipment.


If printing is required eg to read paper copies, staff can either download assignments individually or bulk download a .zip file containing all assignments from Blackboard. This zip file can be uploaded to the Print Services “Print submission system”.  Files must be in .pdf format, so if printing through Print Services will be required, students should be instructed to submit .pdfs.

If planning to print a large quantity of assignments, Schools should contact Print Services as early as possible with details of approximate volume and dates when submissions will need to be printed.

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The Digital Education Office works to advise and support staff on electronic management of assessment, as well as with suppliers such as Blackboard and Turnitin to improve our toolset.

Contact us if you have any feedback or suggestions.

Useful links