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ACCIS CDT alumnus' work published in prestigious interdisciplinary journal

Yponomeuta wing and tymbal – full wing with an insert of a tymbal close-up of YponomeutaHernaldo Mendoza Nava

6 February 2024

Dr. Hernaldo Mendoza Nava has had his PhD research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Hernaldo Mendoza Nava, alumnus of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Composites for Innovation and Science (ACCIS CDT), has had his PhD research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The paper titled ‘Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Yponomeuta’ reveals the workings of the ultrasonic warning sounds produced by the wings of a species of moth. In the study, the interdisciplinary team of engineers and biologists show how individual ridges of a corrugated patch in the hindwings of ermine moths snap-through upon in-flight wing folding to generate bursts of ultrasonic clicks.

You can read the full press release here: Mystery of moths’ warning sound production explained in new study | News and features | University of Bristol

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Further information

The CoSEM CDT (established in 2019) has evolved from the highly successful and established ACCIS CDT (2014-2024) to address exciting doctoral training opportunities for multidisciplinary composite materials engineering and manufacture.

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