Literature on the United States






Data Type

Abraham J, Gaynor M & Vogt W 2003 Entry and Competition in Local Hospital Markets CMPO working paper no. 88 Cross-section
Brooks J, Dor A & Wong, H 1997 Hospital-insurer bargaining: An empirical investigation of appendectomy pricing Journal of Health Economics 16: 417-434 Pooled cross-section time series
Dranove D, Kessler D, McClellan M & Satterthwaite M 2003 ‘Is more information better? The effects of report cards on health care providers’ JPE 111(3): 555-588 Panel
Dranove D & Ludwick R 1999 Competition and Pricing by Non-profit Hospitals: A Reassessment of Lynk’s Analysis Journal of Health Economics 18(1): 87-98 Pooled cross-section time series
Gaynor M & Vogt W 2003 Competition Among Hospitals Rand Journal of Economics 34(4): 764-785 Cross-section
Gowrisankaran G & Town R 2003 Competition, Payers and Hospital Quality Health Services Research 38: 1403–1421 Panel
Hamilton B & Ho V 2000 Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions: Does Market Consolidation Harm Patients? Journal of Health Economics 19(5): 767-791 Panel
Kessler M & Geppert J 2003 The Effects of Hospital Competition on Variation in Utilization and Quality of Care presented at AHRQ/FTC Conference 'Provider Competition and Quality', May 28, 2003. Panel
Kessler D & McClellan M 2000 Is hospital competition socially wasteful? Quarterly Journal of Economics 115(2): 577-616 Panel
Mukamel D, Zwanziger J & Bamezai A 2002 Hospital competition, resource allocation and quality of care BMC Health Services Research 2:10 Panel
Mukamel D, Zwanziger J & Tomaszewski J 2001 HMO penetration, competition, and risk-adjusted hospital mortality’ HSR 36:1019-35 Cross-section
Sari N 2002 Do competition and managed care improve quality? Health Economics 11:571-584 Panel
Shortell S & Hughes E 1988 The Effects of Regulation, Competition, and Ownership on Mortality Rates among Hospital inpatients New England Journal of Medicine 318(17): 1100-1107 Cross-section
Tay A 2003 Assessing competition in hospital care markets: the importance of accounting for quality differentiation Rand Journal of Economics, 34 (4): 786-814 Cross-section
Town R & Vistnes G 2001 Hospital Competition in HMO Networks Journal of Health Economics 20(4): 733-53 Panel
Volpp K, Williams S, Waldfogel J, Silber J, Schwartz J & Pauly M 2003 Market reform in New Jersey and the effect on mortality from acute myocardial infarction Health Services Research, 38: 509-527 Panel
White W & Morrisey M 1998 Are Patients Travelling Further? International Journal of the Economics of Business 5(2): 203-221 Pooled cross-section time-series
Wong H & Mutter R 2003 The effects of hospital consolidation on quality of care presented at AHRQ/FTC Conference 'Provider Competition and Quality', May 28, 2003. Panel