Alumni profile: Ben Chung

Ben completed his MSci in Chemistry with Industrial Experience last summer and has been working at the Big 4 professional service network, KPMG, as part of a graduate scheme within the Advisory function. During his time at Bristol, he developed the skills that would successfully integrate him into the financial industry.

How did your chemistry degree prepare you for work?

During my 4 years at Bristol, I had many opportunities to develop my presentation, problem solving and teamwork skills from activities ranging from tutorials to teaching labs. All vital skills required in my current role of management consultant. My placement year in industry provided me with an insight, not only into the world of R&D, but finance, marketing, procurement and supply chain too.

Why did you choose a career in management? 

I chose to pursue a career in management consulting owing to the variety of work the role offered. Projects involve operational or financial transformations of businesses from a wide range of industries and sectors. My past projects include providing financial transformations to a large corporate pharmaceutical and developing the NHS Leadership Academy programs. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far and have built a large professional network both within the graduate scheme and throughout the company.

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