Trisha Khallaghi

General Profile:

Hiya, I'm Trish. I completed my engineering foundation year and MEng in Computer Science back in 2016 at University of Southampton. My dissertation was in the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and involved writing a hybrid music recommender system. I spent nearly six years after that working as a software engineer at a few different companies, with most of my time spent at a music tech company ( as a backend developer. For the last year and a bit, I was in music full-time. 

Having encountered AI at different points in my education and career, I applied for the CDT to delve deeper into how it can serve as a tool within my areas of interest. My inclination toward the interactive aspect is rooted in my belief that promoting explainability and transparency within the field is crucial. I enjoy exploring interdisciplinary research areas that intersect with the creative arts within the context of AI, and have a particular interest in places where it overlaps with music. I'm currently looking into how we can make expressive music making more accessible, addressing both physical and social accessibility aspects. 

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