Business Education Research and Scholarship Network

A research network committed to developing innovation and establishing best practice in Business School education, across all its disciplines.

Business Education Research and Scholarship Network (BERS) welcomes both active and aspiring pedagogic researchers and those interested in scholarship of teaching and learning. We provide a facilitation network to connect those with similar interests across business school disciplines and support for development at all stages of the research and scholarship process: from inception to delivery. 

Whilst we welcome any pedagogic or scholarship of teaching and learning activity, we have two primary themes:

1. Artificial Intelligence for Business Education

We are all, as educators, feeling the impact of AI on our practice. At the moment the focus is on detection and prevention of unauthorized use in assessments by students. However, the agenda is rapidly moving on to embracing AI within teaching, learning and assessment and reflecting on how we need to change content, structure and delivery of education to achieve an offering that extracts maximum value for all Business School disciplines from the developing technological environment.

2. Developing Excellence in New Forms of Education Delivery

The Business School’s strategy involves developing new forms of education. The form of educational offering is also evolving because of technology or university or sector aspirations for teaching and learning. This includes:

  • Interdisciplinary teaching
  • Executive Education
  • Short courses and masterclasses
  • Widening participation support
  • Group dissertations
  • Online programmes
  • Effective integration of online education within on-campus programmes
  • Co-creation with employers and other external stakeholders
  • Integrating mentoring and work-based placements within the curricula
  • New forms of authentic assessment.

Contact us

Organisations or individuals interested in working with the Corporate Finance research group, please contact:

Dr Wayne Holland

Professor Wayne Holland

Professor and Director of Education, University of Bristol Business School
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