JBFA Capital Markets Conference

22 May 2024, 7.00 PM - 24 May 2024, 2.00 PM

The annual conference of the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA) is being hosted at the University of Bristol, in May 2024. The journal publishes papers relevant to financial and non-financial reporting and performance measurement, corporate finance and accounting-based asset pricing, corporate governance, and their interfaces. The attendees for this conference have been selected from a call for papers that was sent out by the Journal, and attendence is by invitation only. 

This conference will have discussions on the following topics: 

  • The Gender Position Gap and Firm Performance
  • Equity Book-to-Market Ratios Above One and Macroeconomic Risk
  • Investor Sentiment and Information Demand
  • Auditors’ Response to Client Corruption: Evidence from Google Document Frequency
  • Disclosure Benchmarking by Lawyers: Evidence from the IPO Setting
  • Retail Investors’ Trades around Comment Letter Disclosures
  • The Nexus of Corporate Disclosure and Investors’ Information Needs: An Analysis Using Topic Modelling
  • The Unintended Consequences of Data Breach Notification Laws on Insider Trading

Further information including a programme of speakers can be found here on the conference webpage. Information about the JBFA, including current issues are availible on the Wiley website


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