4th Annual Bristol Financial Markets Conference on “Data and Financial Markets"
University of Bristol, Arts Complex, Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2), 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1TB
The Financial Markets Research Group at the University of Bristol Business School is hosting an in-person, two-half-day conference (from lunch to lunch) on July 1st to 2nd, 2024. The conference will feature the in-depth presentation and discussion of six papers on the theme of “Data and Financial Markets”. In addition, we welcome a keynote speech by Dacheng Xiu (University of Chicago and NBER) and a panel discussion including industry experts from asset management.
Provisional list of presenters and titles:
Cesare Robotti (Warwick Business School): The Low Frequency Trading Arms Race: Machines Versus Delays
Mathis Moerke (University of St. Gallen): Machine Forecast Disagreement
Mattia Bevilacqua (University of Liverpool Management School): Uncovering the Asymmetric Information Content of High-Frequency Options
Miao Liu (Boston College): Hedging Climate Change Risk: A Real-time Market Attention Approach
Helene Mathurin (ESSEC Business School): A Greenwashing Index
Frank de Jong (Tilburg University): What triggers Flights to Safety?
The conference will provide an opportunity for the speakers to showcase their research and interact in person with other researchers around the conference theme. The conference venue is Arts Complex, Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2), 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1TB.
The conference will include two lunches (at the conference venue) and a dinner at the Riverstation (The Grove, Bristol , BS1 4RB) on 1st July, 19:00 pm. Updated information about the programme is available here on the FMRG webpage.
External attendees can register through the University shop, and internal attendees should register via the research group.
- Registration fee £100;
- Registration deadline: 16th June, 2024
Travel and hotel information
- Hotels near Clifton:
- Hotels in City Centre:
Any further queries or questions, please email business-school-conferences@bristol.ac.uk.