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Earth Day – discover how climate change is affecting our health

22 April 2023

This Earth Day (22 April) – an international day for environmental protection - we are raising awareness of how our changing climate is affecting our health. Watch our series of films to find out more about the challenges we face and how research is part of the answer.

Climate change is one of the biggest health threats facing humanity; it is already affecting our health, and these impacts are likely to increase. A joint research initiative between Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research and Cabot Institute for the Environment is looking into the intersection between climate change and health to help us find solutions for a healthier future.

You can find out more about this new research area by watching a series of short films which explain how the health of our planet is inextricably linked to human health, and how University of Bristol research will help us to understand these complex and interwoven issues. It’s urgent we act now and invest more in this area of research so we can improve health for all.

Guy Howard, Director of Cabot Institute for the Environment, said: “We draw together our existing excellence in climate and health research and a focus how our research leads to more equitable, resilient, sustainable solutions with global impact.”

Rachael Gooberman-Hill, Director of Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, said: “The health impacts of climate change will not be shared equally. People with least resource are most likely to experience problematic impact on their health and may be living in contexts without sufficient capacity to adapt.

Rachael continued: “We want to inspire researchers from different disciplines to get involved, we hope the films will excite people about the positive impact that climate change and health research could have.”

Climate change and health research needs experts from every different field to contribute a broad range knowledge and skills. If you are a University of Bristol researcher and would like to be part of our climate change and health community, please email 

Read our latest climate change and health project case studies:

Heat stress and women’s health over the reproductive life course

Understanding vulnerability and health impacts of climate change in South Africa 


Join us for the Climate Change and Health Symposium on 21 June 2023, 10:00 – 15:30

This half-day event is being jointly hosted by the Infection and Immunity Research Network and the Climate Change and Health Research Group. This will be an inclusive and collaborative exploration of the wider effects of climate change on health, including engineering interventions to counteract environmental drivers of disease exposure, modelling of disease transmission, chemical contaminants, impacts on nutrition and food systems, entomology, fungal pathogens, and mental health consequences.

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