2023-24 Projects

Find out more about the Education Development Projects which ran in 2023-24 below. Available resources from projects are accessible under each project title. If you would like any further details about any listed projects please contact bilt-projects@bristol.ac.uk 

Designing for all - embedding inclusivity

Projects which investigate how we can support the University's principle of embedding inclusivity through assessment design across a programme.

Designing for all - engaging with the AI revolution

Projects which aim to understand the risks and opportunities presented by AI to maintain fairness and offer ways of improving learning and assessment for all.

Designing for all - group assessment

Project which aim to discover how group assessment, including projects and dissertations, can be designed to help develop team skills in an inclusive way.

International students' experience

Projects which explore how we can ensure international students thrive in their learning through curriculum design and content, and approaches to teaching and assessment.

Education Development Projects 2023-24

View our brochure of the Education Development Projects for 2023-24.

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