BILT Associate Projects

Applications for 2024/25 projects are now closed. Further details about 2025/26 funding will be announced in April 2025. Associate projects provide staff with the opportunity to work on specific projects defined by BILT and aligned to the University’s priorities. They offer the chance for staff to engage in educational research and in scholarship of learning and teaching. 

Project themes for 2024/25
  • AI teaching and assessment
  • Pedagogic research and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) culture


Associate projects offer an opportunity to work with a range of colleagues on an institutionally important project and to make a real difference. Some projects will have the potential for dissemination beyond Bristol, and for publication. 

Application cycle and process

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed. Visit the BILT SharePoint site for further details about Associate Projects, experience and skills requirements. Further details about the 25/26 projects will be announced in due course. 

Project summaries for 2024-25

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