Over 6000 took part in this ground-breaking research within the first 3 weeks of it launching, which is being conducted by Children of the 90s, a study from the University of Bristol. However there are still many more local people out there who the study are trying to reach.
Children of the 90s is a world-renowned health study which has tracked mothers and their children from the Avon area since their birth in 1991/92. They launched this new piece of research in order to better understand the hidden iceberg of people who may have the virus but report only minor symptoms – perhaps not even realising it is COVID-19. Understanding prevalence and impact of COVID-19 (and population control of the outbreak) is crucial in order help stem the rate of infection and manage future mitigating tasks like Lockdown.
Professor Nic Timpson, Principal Investigator explained: “Children of the 90s is in a unique position because we have such a large cohort of people who are actively part of the study and who represent groups with differing clinical risk. We’ve got data going back over 30 years and this coupled with our most recent questionnaire will allow us to better understand the population dynamics of the disease and the fallout from out attempts to stop it.”
The study has already played a role in helping to build evidence to help government policy on the virus and this new research, funded by the Elizabeth Backwell Institute, will provide even more data to help scientists across the UK and the world.
Professor Timpson continued: “We’ve had an incredible response from the people who are part of our study. We couldn’t do this vital work without our participants and this is why we’re keen to reach as many of our participants as we possibly can. Even if you haven’t done anything with the study for years, we’re urging you to get back in touch and to help us spread the word amongst your family and friends too. This is a way you can make a real difference to the pandemic.”
Dr James Dodd, Respiratory Consultant at Southmead Hospital, said: “As a consultant here at Southmead Hospital, I know how important this Children of the 90s study is right now in the fight against coronavirus. If you’re a participant, and can spare 10 minutes to answer this questionnaire, it will help government understand how many people may have had this virus, even without symptoms, and this will help us manage the infection more quickly. Thanks for your help, and for doing your bit for the NHS”.
If you were born in the Avon area between April 1991 and 1992 then you may be eligible to take part. Parents of the original study children can also answer the simple questionnaire. To get back in touch, text your full name and date of birth to 07772 909090 or visit www.childrenofthe90s.ac.uk