Anonymous users who nominated us said:
'We use ALSPAC because they are accessible, reliable, collaborative, supportive, extraordinary productive, enjoyable to work with and synonymous with high quality scientific research.'
'The ALSPAC biobank is wonderful, not only for the wealth of data in terms of phenotype and biological data you can link with; but also in terms of ease of access, availability and wealth of support available.'
'Most accessible biobank and longitudinal data resource in the world.'
'Outstanding reputation for innovation, horizon scanning, embracing new technologies and making data available as soon as possible.'
'The ALSPAC team are highly organized, supportive, and pioneering in their use of a range of advanced statistical methods that are not evident in other biobanks. My overall assessment is that ALSPAC is *the* exemplary model for how to share data access globally and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations.'
The biobank contains over 1 million aliquots of samples collected from over 14,500 participants and their parents over the last 25 years. Since 2012, the biobank has also been collecting biological samples from the next generation of children (ALSPAC G2), popularly known as COCO90s (Children of the Children of the 90s) and currently numbering almost 500.
The samples include DNA, lymphoblastoid cell lines, blood, urine, saliva, placentas, and milk teeth. A large amount of ‘omics’ data has been generated from samples including genetic, epigenetic and metabolomic data.
The true value of the samples is the associated longitudinal outcome and environmental exposure data spanning 25 years and that the biological samples can be combined with data gathered from clinics and questionnaires, and through data linkage.
The samples and data form a unique resource for the scientific community. Close to 1,500 papers have been published using study data, of which almost 500 were dependent on the biobank.
To find out more about what we offer, watch this one-minute video, visit our biological resources pages, or contact the laboratory team to discuss your sample requirements.