Eczema precedes peanut allergies in nine out of 10 cases, researchers at the University of Bristol and St. Mary’s Hospital, London have found.
The research headed by Dr Gideon Lack has led to the finding of a possible link between the development of allergy to peanut and the use of creams that treat the skin condition of eczema. “In eczema, the skin barrier breaks down and there is an abundance of immune cells in the skin that could be exposed to substances that cause allergies,” said Dr. Lack. “We are currently looking into whether exposure of the skin to products containing peanuts or peanut oils may be responsible for starting peanut allergies,” he added.
Dr Lack and his team have also found that peanut allergies occur in as many as 1 in 100 children, a far higher number than previously thought. “Peanut allergies certainly seem to be on the increase,” he said he further added that his recent research findings contradict previous
Department of Health Guidelines recommending that mothers with peanut allergies should avoid eating nuts during pregnancy and while breast feeding.
The research used the Bristol University-based group of more than fourteen thousand families in the influential Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, popularly known as Children of the 90s. The health and development of those involved have been monitored since early pregnancy, the only mass-population study to do so.
The ALSPAC research has shown that the amount of peanuts eaten by mothers during pregnancy and whilst breast feeding makes no difference as to whether the child develops peanut allergy. “The Department of Health may need to reconsider guidelines in light of our findings,” he said. Dr Lack’s study was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries.
Follow-up: Peanut Allergy May Be Linked To Skin Creams Containing Peanut Oil And To Soy Milk, 10 March 2003