Covid-19 Mapping and Mitigation in Schools

The CoMMinS study aims to provide a better understanding of Covid-19 infection dynamics centred around school pupils and staff and onward transmission to family contacts.

The CoMMinS study is led by a team of researchers from the University of Bristol and co-produced in partnership with Bristol City Council, Public Health England and Bristol Schools.  

The re-opening of schools after the lockdown brought new challenges and opportunities to study the natural history of Covid-19 in young people. The goal was to learn more about the role of young people in mitigating against disease transmission and to also find out about the impact on mental wellbeing. Vaccination protects most people from serious illness, and the study team welcomed the vaccination programme being rolled out in Bristol. 

Ongoing use of the University's BlueCrystal HPC system has been absolutely fundamental to the success of CoMMins, and having HPC resources available during the pandemic was fundamental to related research activities.

It is still unkown how or whether vaccination changes how Covid-19 spreads and this is an important question that the CoMMinS study can help to answerParticipants were invited take part in our non-invasive saliva testing programme whether they had had a vaccination or not. 

If you are intersted in learning more about the CoMMinS study, please see the below list of related links:

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