SWISS study – case-control investigation Identifying risk factors associated with SIDS

The South West Infant Sleep Scene (SWISS) study was a prospective case-control study conducted in the South West of England (2003-2006). Face-to-face interviews were conducted with parents of infants who had recently died suddenly and unexpectedly and parents of age-matched surviving control infants (randomly chosen and high risk for SIDS).

CACH Team: Peter Blair, Peter Fleming

This was a population-based prospective case-control study of sudden unexpected deaths occurring in the South West of England between 2003 and 2006. Parents were interviewed shortly after the death or after the reference sleep (within 24 hours) of the two control groups (randomly chosen or identified as high risk for SIDS from St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol). The main focus was on potentially hazardous sleeping environments and the findings along with those from a study we conducted 10 years earlier (The Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (CESDI study) 1993-96)  form the basis of the risk reduction advice given nationally.

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