The MAISE Study: Mothers’ Attitudes to the Infant Sleep Environment

The MAISE Study investigated the factors influencing infant care practices in the sleep environment amongst deprived families in Bristol.

The aim of the research was to understand more about what parents need to keep their babies safe while they sleep, especially parents from disadvantaged backgrounds with infants more at risk of SIDS (larger families and young, economically-deprived mothers who smoke). This was a mixed methods project using a survey and qualitative interviews with mothers from deprived areas of Bristol.

The findings from the proposed research have been used to inform national public health advice for parents. The research was conducted by Dr Anna Pease as part of her PhD within the Centre for Academic Child Health. Her supervisors were Professor Peter Blair, Professor Peter Fleming and Dr Jenny Ingram. The PhD was funded by The Lullaby Trust. 

The Baby Sleep Information Source provides information about normal infant sleep with resources and apps to support families.

The Lullaby Trust provides up to date evidence-based information about reducing the risk for SIDS, for parents and professionals. 

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