ALSPAC-HEART: How does the quality of diet throughout childhood affect cardiometabolic health in adolescence and early adulthood?

This study will use data from a UK birth cohort (ALSPAC) to examine how diet quality throughout childhood, assessed using dietary patterns, is related to conventional and novel cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescence and early adulthood.

CACH Team: Genevieve Buckland, Kate Northstone, Caroline Taylor, Pauline Emmett and Laura Johnson.

This study will examine how diet quality during childhood influences factors in adolescence and early adulthood that are related to the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These include being overweight/obese, changes in the blood vessels, and raised blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, collectively termed ‘cardiometabolic risk factors’. We will explore the relationship between five major dietary patterns and cardiometabolic risk factors by using data collected from ≈3000 participants in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Our findings will contribute to the scientific evidence needed to help young people adopt healthy eating habits and reduce heart disease/diabetes later in life.  

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