Refugee Resilience Narratives

We are undertaking public consultations and pilot work exploring social networks, social change, and filmmaking about narratives of resilience, looking to improve children’s outcomes, family wellbeing and community connectedness.

What are Bristol Somali refugees’ experiences of journeys from adversity to resilience, from isolation to connectedness, and from constraining to facilitating environments? How might video narratives contribute to understanding and action to improve the opportunities for pre-school children in refugee families?

Public consultations with Somali community members will involve:

a) piloting a novel approach to social network analysis, to explore social connectedness within this community, and what social change participants would seek, to improve children and young people’s opportunities and outcomes, family wellbeing and community connectedness,

b) piloting making film making of participants’ narratives, with multiple potential uses, e.g. engagement of participants for interventions; advocacy with statutory authorities and commissioners; presentation to researchers and funders; and as an online resource for migrant communities.

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