Lightning Process

This project seeks to define and describe the Lightning Process® (a commercially-available complementary intervention) compared to specialist medical care for paediatric CFS/ME, with a view to identifying potential mechanisms of action, and seek funding for a full-scale trial.

Research Team: Dr Emma Anderson, Dr Lucy Beasant, Dr Rebecca Barnes, Dr Nicola Mills, Professor Esther Crawley

The Lightning Process®(LP) is a commercially-available complementary intervention based on Neurolinguistic Programming, Life coaching and Osteopathy. The SMILE trial1,2,3 demonstrated that adolescents with CFS/ME were more likely to improve with LPplus specialist medical care (SMC) compared to SMC alone. We need greater understanding of the LP and how it may benefit patients, looking for potential mechanisms of action that may improve SMC. The aims of this project are to:

  • Define LP in the context of established/evidence-based therapies (e.g. CBT/behavioural therapies)
  • Analyse practitioner-patient interactions within LP sessions, seeking distinctiveness from SMC sessions (using SMILE Trial recordings)
  • Apply for a full-scale trial of LP vs CBT for paediatric CFS/ME

This work is funded by the Linbury Trust.

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