Bristol University Model United Nations Society
Bristol University Model United Nations Society

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Possible initiating Phrases for a Resolution

Preambulatory Clauses

Acknowledging Contemplating Fully bearing in mindNoting with concern
AffirmingConvincedGrievedNoting with regret
AlarmedDeclaringGuided byObserving
AnxiousDeeply disturbedHaving adoptedReaffirming
AppreciatingDesiringHaving approvedRealizing
ApprovingDeploringHaving consideredRecalling
AwareDeterminedHaving decidedRecognizing
Bearing in mindEmphasizingHaving examinedReferring
Being convincedEndorsingHaving receivedRegretting
BelievingExpressing appreciationHaving regard forReiterating
CognizantExpressing satisfactionHaving reviewedSeeking
ConcernedExpectingKeeping in mindStressing
ConfidentFulfillingMindfulTaking into account
ConsciousFully awareNoting furtherTaking note of
ConsideringFully believingNoting with approvalWelcoming

Operative Clauses

AcceptsDeclares accordinglyFurther invitesRecommends
AffirmsDeploresFurther proclaimsReminds
ApprovesDraws attention toFurther remindsRegrets
AuthorizesDesignatesFurther recommendsRequests
Calls forEmphasizesFurther resolvesResolves
Calls uponEncouragesFurther requestsSolemnly affirms
CondemnsEndorsesHave resolvedStrongly condemns
CongratulatesExpresses its appreciationNotesSupports
ConfirmsExpresses its hopeProclaimsTakes note of
ConsidersFurther invitesReaffirmsUrges

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University of Bristol Union

conomic realities.) Decisions of the Council require nine ?yes? votes. Except in votes on procedural questions, a decision cannot be taken if there is a ?no? vote, or veto, by a permanent member. A State which is a Member of the UN but not of the SC may participate, without a vote, in its discussions when the Council considers that that country's interests are affected or are a party to the dispute being considered.