Bristol University Model United Nations Society
Bristol University Model United Nations Society

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Welcome to Bristol Model United Nations


Schedule of spring 2004 society events now online

Weekly meetings on Monday, 6pm, Wills Memorial Building, Old Council Chamber

Message from the President

As President of the Bristol Model United Nations (MUN) society for 2003/2004 I welcome all of our new and old members with the best wishes for this year at University.

This website is meant to give you some general information on MUN, on what has been going on in the Bristol society in the past and on what is going to happen in the future. I invite all of you to seize the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds, to throw yourself into the world of diplomacy, and to witness the unfolding of international politics - whether it be at our weekly meetings or at a MUN conference hosted by another university. All ages studying any type of university degree, regardless of experience or not, are welcome to join MUN.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch at On behalf of the MUN Exec for 2003/2004, we look forward to having a great year with you!


Frank Hammerschmidt

University of Bristol Union