Bristol University Model United Nations Society
Bristol University Model United Nations Society

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What is the Model United Nations?

Model United Nations (MUN), as its name suggests, is a simulation of the United Nations (UN). The debates/discussions follow exactly the same procedure as if you were taking part in a UN meeting. We will be discussing each week issues based on topics that everyone knows something about (e.g. terrorism). These discussions will be in the format of members acting as delegates of countries and non-governmental organizations. After all, this is what makes the UN an international organization!!!

Simulations of the UN will be experienced by members in two formats: weekly meetings and conferences. At our meetings during the Fall Term, we will be introducing to members the rules of procedure and how to write a resolution. This may sound dry, but it will be introduced in a manner that's entertaining and not too tedious. (Getting a working knowledge of how UN simulations proceed is important for those wanting to attend conferences but do not feel they have the skills and/or confidence to do so.) Additionally, throughout the year, learning about the UN will entail simulating various UN committees (eg. International Court of Justice, Security Council, Human Rights) as well as listening to guest speakers recount their first-hand experiences in particular areas of the UN.

At conferences, members will have the chance to represent Bristol and meet other students from across the country. This is where networking, negotiating, conflict resolution, and everything we will have taught you in the Fall Term come into play. You will encounter guest speakers, as well as the opportunity to experience the night life with the friends you will have made during the short time.

For us, MUNs are about having fun. It is not about getting too bogged down with the rules and procedures, but debating in a relaxed atmosphere and working with new people from around the world to learn about topics and countries that you may not have considered before. So, if you find any material on this website confusing, don't worry! We will be doing some explaining and applying come October.

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University of Bristol Union