Bristol University Model United Nations Society
Bristol University Model United Nations Society

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Message from the Secretary-General

The end of the cold war, and the collapse of the bipolar framework which have moulded international relations for nearly half a century, have brought the United Nations back into the centre stage of world affairs. New demands are being made of the Untied Nations; people have high expectations. There is a clear stirring of hope that an immense opportunity is here to be seized. The United Nations could become at last the Organisation envisioned in the Charter; an instrument capable of maintaining international peace and security, of advancing justice and human rights, and of achieving social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.

In moving towards that goal, the commitment of peoples and nations to the objectives of the Charter will be essential. The participation and engagement of all States, large and small, in the work of the United Nations will be necessary. While the Nation State will continue to be the cornerstone of international relations, the role of the people in civil society - in non-governmental organisations, citizens' groups and the private sector for example - will acquire major importance. The new United Nations must be people-centred.

It is for this reason that the Model United Nations is so important. It is an excellent practical way of teaching individuals about the United Nations and of stimulating awareness and understanding of how the international system works. Perhaps, as a result of their experience in the model United Nations, some of the participants may be moved to work for the United Nations either directly, or by supporting the work of the United Nations as individuals, through national governments, or through their own organisations.

I send my best wishes to all who have organised this model United Nations and to all who take part: may you have a successful and inspiring session.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Former Secretary General of the United Nations

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