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Submitting Work to Helicon

Please email all poetry, prose, academic essays and non-fictional writing submissions to

Please email all photography and artwork contributions to

Copyright remains vested with the writer/artist.

Please email your ‘Letters to the Editor’: comments, feedback, suggestions and queries to

Where can I get my copy of Helicon?

Helicon, the University of Bristol’s forum for the creative arts is a free magazine distributed throughout the University’s precincts. As of December, 2003 Helicon is now also available at the Bristol city-centre branches of Borders, Blackwells, STA Travels, Boston-Tea-Party, Pret-a-Manager, Café Nero and Café Gusto.

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You can now pick up your copy of Helicon from:

Blackwells UBU STA Travel Borders

All works published on this website are original pieces of work: copyright is retained by the author or artist. The Editors reserve the right to alter work submitted to the magazine but cannot accept responsibility for the views contained herein. Copyright © Helicon.