BUCG: Past Events 2010-2011

Here is a diary of previous event for the academic year 2010-2011 with recollections by the then president, Becky Pullinger.

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Sunday 15th May 2011: Tickenham Hill (dry stone walling)

The day provided an excellent excuse for procrastinating about the upcoming exams and was spent rebuilding a section of dry stone wall at the Avon Wildlife Trust’s Reserve. Much of the day was spent digging out and generally destroying the old wall (which admittedly was in disrepair). Whilst Jess, Linford and Kate had a lovely day building a fort the rest of us helped extend the main section of wall.

Saturday 5th - Sunday 6th March 2011: Devon Weekend

A relatively warm weekend (glossing over the cold night spent in a Yurt) led to the clearance of a section of the Tarka Trail, providing light to walkers and plants alike. The trailer bike used to transport chopped wood provided some hilarity.

Sunday 27th February 2011: Cadbury Camp (scrub bashing)

That tree didn’t stand a chance. Victoria and Linford took a tree down with the double handled bow saw, whilst the rest of us chopped, lopped, sawed and pulled down the brambles a hawthorn of the slope.

Sunday 20th February 2011: Lower Woods (coppicing)

Coppicing and scrub clearance were once again the name of the day. Naomi felled a tree on Lucy, showing a vital glimpse of the skills needed to become tools and safety officer. Posts were successfully dug in to mark the boundary of where we had worked, and two stumps were chiselled into a lovely snail and BUCG identifier. A walk around the reserve gave a good opportunity to see other areas done by BUCG over the years.

Sunday 6th February 2011: Sandpool (tree planting)

This trip may help to make BUCG carbon neutral! A day was spent planting many trees to increase suitable habitat for bats. As this was part of a wider Wildlife Trust event, we also took part in a duck fishing game and some face painting. The new muscle work out was enjoyed by all.

Sunday 23rd January 2011: Berrow Dunes (scrub clearance)

A sunny day was spent cutting scrub and instead of burning it, we made a retaining structure to prevent blowouts occurring in the sand dunes. The Somerset Coastal Change project filmed some of the day, with Steve obligingly doing many takes of delicately placing a branch into the hedge. You can see us and learn about the work we did on the Somerset Coastal Change website. We even got a mention on the BBC news website.

Sunday 28th November 2010: Lower Woods

CANCELLED. Snowy and icy conditions led to the event being called off.

Saturday 20th - Sunday 21st November 2010: Alfrick Weekend

The autumn weekend trip was back in Alfrick to help Trevor and Annette at the Ravenshill Woodland reserve with kind support from the Alumni Foundation. After oohing and aahing at the newly renovated village hall, we arrived and started work. We began by carting some rather large logs around the reserve to make a permanent outdoor structure. We also carried out some coppicing, being careful to leave some branches over the paths for dormice. The evening required a trip to the local pub and a game of Cranium. Much fun was had by all, with particular highlights including Steve’s acting out of ‘Happy Hour’, Steve’s Irish dancing (I think) and Aerobics. At the end of the event it was noted that Trevor didn’t tell his thumb/tiredness story… so those who had heard it a few times before related it to those who hadn’t. The minibus trip was home rather quiet as we all, except Steve, napped.

Sunday 7th November 2010: Weston Big Wood (scrub clearance)

The group carried out scrub clearance in the Avon Wildlife Trust reserve. We removed dense bramble and drank tea. However, the group did lose a pitchfork and a pair of loppers, leading to Steve revolutionising the system for tools (there is now one).

Sunday 31st October 2010: Leigh Woods (coppicing)

A small but motley crew went over the suspension bridge to the National Trust reserve to take part in some organised destruction. Clare’s face lit up as her eyes pinpointed a small patch of trees that required chopping down.

Sunday 24th October 2010: Lawrence Weston Moor (reed cutting)

Another trip was back to this Avon Wildlife Trust reserve with slashers and scythes to help with the annual reed cut. Once we had been given the safety talk, we made sure we stood far enough apart so that no-one's legs were removed. A quick reassurance was required for the fire brigade who had come to investigate the source of all the smoke.

Sunday 10th October 2010: St Werburghs City Farm, Boiling Wells

A sunny day greeted the first event of the year. After getting everyone to introduce themselves, with an aid of an animal, the group helped the city farm prepare for its annual apple day. Paths were made child friendly, wood chip was laid across the paths, nettles were removed and drop scones eaten.

September 2010: Arran Week, Scotland

The week long summer trip was back in Arran this year to help on the National Trust for Scotland reserve at Goat Fell. Tasks included rhodie bashing, bridge fixing, bog drainage, making fences clearer and playing in the playground. It wasn’t all work though: we had a few treks to the pub (including on my birthday) and we played various card games and Robo Rally. Before leaving the island we had two days off, and two lovely walks (not everyone did both walks – you could have lazy days if wished) before we embarked on the long trek back to Bristol (or wherever we were going).

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