BUCG: About Us

Bristol University Conservation Group (BUCG) is a society of the University of Bristol which aims to improve biodiversity.

We are a fun and enthusiastic bunch who enjoy working in the great outdoors to help the natural environment. Whether you want to volunteer, are interested in nature, love being in the countryside or for any other reason you are welcome to join.


You can join (or just sign up to the mailing list) at the Fresher’s Fair or by emailing our president, Ben Eagle or by visiting our UBU page. You can also subscribe to the mailing list via Sympa. We are an affordable society with membership costing only £5.

What We Do

Every other Sunday during term-time we head out to one of many local nature reserves to do volunteering conservation work. These trips cost £3 to cover the expense of the minibus.
We also go on weekend trips to Alfrick in Worcester and to the Tarka Trail in Devon each year. There is also our annual week-long trip to Scotland which is a fun and unforgettable experience.
We’re not all work and no play. There are many socials scattered throughout the year which are a great chance to relax and have a chat. Feel free to go to as many or as few of these events as you like.

Typical activities that we do on these trips include:

  • Coppicing
  • Dry stone walling
  • Scrub and woodland management
  • Path maintenance
  • Tree planting
  • Wildlife surveys

And let us not forget our legendary tea and sweetie breaks and a well earned drink at the pub afterwards!

Visit the events page for examples of the things we do and places we go.

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