BUCG: Committee

Here are the elected members of the BUCG committee - a fun bunch of people who keep the group running with management, hot drinks and sweets.

Ben Eagle: President

If you’re new (or old) and can’t remember who that guy in the flat cap is, it’s Ben our President. Having grown up on a farm and with the hilarious email “beagle” it was inevitable he would find his way to conservation. Ben is multi-talented. Aside from excellent flatcap-wearing skills he also has time to write several different blogs, start his own brewery company, intern at the soil association, and write the history of BUCG. Don’t worry, we haven’t got a clue how he manages to do all that either!

Jamie Wilkinson: Vice President

Jamie likes trees. This may seem slightly strange when you consider the amount of time he spends cutting them down. Nevertheless if you want to know the difference between a pine and a conifer he will be happy to enlighten you. He also has an affinity with bivalves and spent a whole summer examining them under a microscope in the name of SCIENCE!

Zoë Digby: Treasurer

Zoë is a not only a dedicated conservationist, but also an artistic genius having designed last years’ Conservation hoodie (molly a la marshmallow). Aside from BUCG, she also does Girl Guiding making her well equipped for bonfire building and marshmallow toasting. Zoe’s cheery disposition and super organisational skills mean the Conservation coffers are in excellent hands.

Kate Louise Howard: Secretary

Kate’s conservation credentials are top notch. She spent last summer volunteering in Borneo with RAG and Moving Mountains, and as a zoologist loves all creatures great and small. As secretary, Kate is not only our resident tea and biscuit girl, she also bakes awesome cakes.

Jamie Wilkinson: Tools & Safety Officer

Jamie likes trees. This may seem slightly strange when you consider the amount of time he spends cutting them down. Nevertheless if you want to know the difference between an ash and a lime tres he will be happy to enlighten you. If you also wanted to know the different forces acting on the ash/lime as you felled it (which of course you wouldn’t be doing as that’s less conservation and more destruction), as a Physicist he could tell you all about that too.

Naomi Lea-Wilson: Tools & Safety Officer

Naomi is known as the enthusiastic one. Whether it’s arm waving and offering biscuits to passersby at Freshers, or borrowing the tools for some extra-curricular lopping, Naomi’s enthusiasm for conservation knows no bounds. Naomi is also our resident sustainability expert having done an internship with the University Sustainability department. Yes, this committee description is recyclable.

Amy Bowler: Social Secretary

Amy was destined to be social secretary from the very first social she came to. As all good social secretaries do, she dragged her housemates along showing true social sec spirit from the start. Amy is another conservationist who embraces her constructive side, through planting and building sea defences, though of course she coppices trees with the best of them.

Lucy Prior: Social Secretary

Lucy makes very good cakes, scones, biscuits and tea. This makes her a natural conservationist and social secretary (because who doesn’t want cake?). In need of a hole for your sea defence fencepost? Give her a spade and she will produce one in no time at all.

Christopher Lock: Webmaster

A native Bristolian (disappointingly without the accent) with a fondness for bad puns and an almost sacrilegious dislike of hot drinks (how can he, in a society renowned for its tea breaks!). He loves to be out and about in the countryside, often photographing nature in all its glory. He is also a bit of a perfectionist; whether it comes to the website, a photo or a dry stone wall, he will adjust it until it's just right. Feel free to email him any comments, questions and suggestions about the BUCG website.

Molly the Mollusc: Mascot

Despite being an inanimate mascot, Molly is a valued (though much abused) member of BUCG who accompanies us on our trips.

Courtesy of Open Web Design & www.ki4bbo.org