
Publications | Biophysics | Clinical Engineering | Radiation Physics | Prof. Wells


Teboul M, Halliwell M. Atlas of Ultrasound and Ductal Echography of the Breast. Blackwell Scientific: Oxford, 1995.
Taylor K J W, Burns P N, Wells P N T, eds. Clinical Applications of Doppler Ultrasound, 2nd edn. Raven Press: New York, 1995.

Thomas A M K, Isherwood I, Wells, P N T, eds. The Invisible Light: One Hundred Years of Medical Radiology. Blackwell Scientific: Oxford, 1995.

Vrbova G, Gordon T, Jones R. Nerve Muscle Interaction, 2nd edn. Chapman & Hall: London, 1995.


Bracey T S, Miller J C, Preece A W, Paraskeva C. Gamma radiation induced apoptosis in human colorectal adenoma and carcinoma cell lines can occur in the absence of wild type. Oncogene 1995; 53: 3367-70.

Cambell N N, Tooley M A, Willatts S M. Apache ii scoring system on a general intensive care unit. J Roy Soc Med 1994; 87: 73-7.

Forrest F C, Tooley M A, Saunders P R, Prys-Roberts C. Propofol infusion and the suppression of consciousness - the electroencephelogram and dose requirements. Br J Anaesth 1994; 72: 35-41.

Haynes W L, Rushton J A, Perrins M F, Dyer J K, Jones R, Howell R. Diploid and hyperdiploid rat Schwann cell strains display negative autoregulation of growth in vitro and myelin sheath formation in vivo. J Neurosci Meth 1994; 52: 119-27.

Henshaw D L, Ross A N, Fews A P, Preece A W. Enhanced deposition of radon daughter nuclei in the vicinity of power frequency electromagnetic fields. Int J Radiat Biol 1996; 69: 25-38.

Hudson J G, Pamphilon D H, Pullens R J E, Preece A W, Welch A, Oakhill A. Modulation of grant-versus-host responses in a murine model: a comparison of four ultraviolet B sources. Phys Med Biol 1994; 39: 1-14.

Hudson J G, Pullens R, Godwin V, Preece A, Pamphilon D H. In-vivo demonstration of a fundamental difference in the proliferation of murine and human marrow and lymphocytes following UV radiation: relevance to bone marrow transplantation. Photochem Photobiol 1995; 62: 568-74.

Jones R, Rees D, Campbell M J. Tibilias anterior surface EMG parameters change before force output in multiple sclerosis patients. Clin Rehab 1994; 8: 10-6.

Munn J, Willatts S M, Tooley M A. Health activity after intensive care. Anaesthesia 1995; 50: 1017-21.

Pothecary N M, Railton C J, Johnson R H, Preece A W. FDTD analysis of a noninvasive sensor for the detection of breast tumors. IEEE MTT-S 1994; 1: 527-30.

Preece A W, Johnson R H, Craig A A, Green J L, Clarke R N, Gregory A P. Dielectric measurements of reference liquids and tissue equivalent materials with noninvasive sensors. IEEE MTT-S 1994; 2: 1061-2.

Preece A W, Wimalaratna S, Morgan M H, Green J L, Churchill E. Noninvasive quantitative EMG. Electromyog Clin Neurophysiol 1994; 34: 81-6.

Preece A W, Grainger P, Golding J, Kaune W. Domestic magnetic field exposure in Avon. Phys Med Biol 1996; 41: 71-81.

Sherry E, Tooley M A, Bolsin S, Monk C R, Wilcox J. Effect of dopexamine hydrochloride on renal resistance index and haemodynamics of patients after coronary artery bypass grafts. Europe J Anaesth; in press.

Tooley M, Greenslade G, Halliwell M, Bolsin S. A pilot study to assess the validity of Doppler pulsatility and resistance indices as correlates of renal blood flow changes produced by dopomine in normal subjects. Br J Radiol 1994; 67: 733-4.

Tooley M A, Greenslade G L, Prys-Roberts C. Concentration-related effects on the auditory evoked response. Br J Anaesth; in press.

Wells P N T. Ultrasonic colour flow imaging. Phys Med Biol 1994; 39: 2113-45.

Wells P N T. Today's state-of-the-art: does colour velocity imaging overtake colour Doppler? J Vasc Invest 1995; 1: 38-43.

Wilson Y G, Follett D, Currie I C, Davies A H, Davies T, Goatman K, Baird R N, Lamont P M. Quantitative endoluminal measurements during angioscopy: an innovative technique. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1995; 9: 319-26.

Worthington J, Jones R, Crawford M A, Forti A. Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis - a 3 year prospective study. J Neurol 1994; 241: 228-33.

Zananiri, F V, Jackson P C, Davies E R, Wells P N T. Phantoms for studying the acceleration and turbulence of liquids using magnetic resonance imaging. Physiol Meas 1994; 15: 147-62.

Zwiebel W J, Mountford R A, Halliwell M, Wells P N T. Splanchnic blood flow in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension: investigation with duplex Doppler US. Radiology 1995; 194: 807-12.