Radiation Physics Publications

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MRI Publications and Presentations


Lecture Notes on the Physics of MRI, Keen M, Clinical MRI The Praticle Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 9 No. 3, p70-81, 1999.

One year longitudinal study of Femoral Cartilage Lesions in Knee Arthritis, Gandy S, Keen M, Foster JE, Dieppe P, Watt I, Waterton JC, Maciewicz RA, 1999.

The Measurement of Diurnal Variation of Articular Cartilage of the Knee, Brett AD, Waterton JC, Solloway S, Foster JE, Keen MC, Gandy S, Middleton BJ, Maciewicz RA, Watt I and Dieppe P. Second International Conference on Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI’99), Cambridge, England. 1999.

Sequences for the detection of temperature related changes during interstitial laser ablation of tissues, M. Keen, R. Hartley-Davies, A. Ederies, N. Stevens, A. Gee, M. Callaway, A. Jones, Z. Raytor, P. goddard, British Chapter of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1999.

Interventional MRI using a low field system. Initial results of a cutting needle biopsey in the Thorax and Abdomen, M. Callaway, P. Goddard, A. Ederis, M. Keen, J. Kabala, British Chapter of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1999.

MR guided biopseys, M. Callaway, BIR Interventional Study Day, June1999.

Initial Experiances in Setting up an Open MRI Scanner for Radiotherapy planning , S. Dunne and A. Gee, Synergy, 1999.

Surpine Mammography of the breast on Open Scanner, Radiology, 1999.

So you think you can plan prostate and bladder tumours without MRI, A. Gee, Royal Marsden Hospital, April 1999.

Distortion Correction on a 0.2T Open Scanner, R. Hartley-Davies, Royal Marsden Hospital, April 1999.

MRI - The fourth dimention, P. Stevens, Royal Marsden Hospital, April 1999.

Dental MRI - three posters presented at Radiology 1999.

Cord compression using MRI, Radiology 1999.

MRI for Radiotherapy Planning, A. Gee Annual Radiotherapy Conference, 1999.


Longitudinal Assessment of Femoral Cartilage. Dieppe P, Gandy S, Keen M, Watt I, Waterton JC and Maciewicz RA. J Rheumatol 22, 52, 1995 (Published twice in 95 (also in AM J Roentgenol) and again in AM Roentgenol in 98).

Durinal Variation in the Articular Cartilage of the Knee in Young Adult Humans. Waterton JC, Solloway S, Foster JE, Keen M, Gandy S, Middleton BJ, Maciewicz RA, Watt I, Dieppe P, Taylor C. 1998.

Structural Periodicity in Human Articular Cartilage: Comparison between Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histological Findings. Foster JE, Maciewicz RA, Taberner J, Dieppe P, Freemont AJ, Keen M, Watt I, Waterton JC, 1998.

Interventional MRI, M. Keen, MR Study day, 1988

MRI in Radiotherapy Planning of the Pelvis, A. Gee, BOA, 1998.

Surpine Mammography of the breast on Open Scanner, S. Dunne, BAMMR 1998.

MRI in Breast Planning, E. Whipp, BOA, 1998.

Surpine Mammography of the breast on Open Scanner, RCR Breast Group Meeting, UMIST, November 1998.


Quantitative MRI of the knee: a method of measuring response to intra-articular therapies, P Creamer, M Keen, F Zananiri, J C Waterton, R A Maciewicz, C Oliver, P Dieppe, I Watt, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 56(6), 378-381, 1997.

Quantification of Hyaline Cartilage, J E Foster, M C Keen, P Dieppe, R Maciewicz, J Taberner, I Watt, J Waterton, First European Congress of MRI in Joint Disease, Slovenia, June 1997.

Structural alterations in cartilage visualised at two field strengths with MRI, J E Foster, M C Keen, I Watt, P A Dieppe, R A Maciewicz, J Taberner, J C Waterton, SMRM Vancouver 1997.

Foster JE, Maciewicz RA, Taberner J, Dieppe P, Freemont AJ, Keen M, Watt I, Waterton JC (1997). Structural Periodicityin Human Articular Cartilage: Comparison between MR and History. The Third Annual General Meeting of the British Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Measurement of Human articular cartilage volume: diurnal effect on precision, J E Foster, M C Keen, I Watt, P A Dieppe, R A Maciewicz, J Taberner, J C Waterton, B J Middleton, SMRM Vancouver 1997.

Active Shape Models Can Accurately and Automatically Segment Articular Cartilage in Early Osteoarthritis. Solloway S, Hutchinson CE, Waterton JC. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Fifth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition). 1997

MRI in Radiotherapy Planning, A. Gee and S. Dunne, BAMMR, 1997.

MRI in Radiotherapy Planning of the Pelvis, S. Dunne, Radiology, 1997.


The Use of Active Shape Models for Making Thickness Measurements of Articular Cartilage from MR Images. Solloway S, Hutchinson CE, Waterton JC, Taylor CJ. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Fifth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition). 1997

Visualisation of proteoglycan changes and micro-fissures in human cartilage using sensitised MRI on a clinical scanner, Foster J E, Taberner J, Keen M, Watt I, Dieppe P, European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology Salzburg 1996.

Quantification of Cartilage Volume and Visualisation of Defects in Osteoarthritis using a clinical MR System, ACR Orlando, Arthritis and Rheumatism, September 1996, supplement: ACR Proceedings, 1996.

Quantification of Cartilage Volume and Visualisation of Defects in Osteoarthritis using a clinical MR System, Foster J E, Keen M, Dieppe P, Maciewicz R, Taberner J, Watt I, Waterton J, ESMRMB Praha, 1996.

Reproducibility of LV mass measurements using the breath-hold technique, M Keen, D Macey, D Pressdee, K Roberts and A Jones, Radiology UK, Birmingham 1996.


MRI can differentiate the effects of intra-articular therapy on synovial proliferation and acute inflammatory changes in the knee joint, P Creamer, M Keen, F Zanairi, J Waterton, R Maciewicz, P Dieppe, I Watt, Presentation 396, BSR 1995.

MRI can differentiate the effects of intra-articular therapy on synovial proliferation and acute inflammatory changes in the knee joint, P Creamer, M Keen, F Zanairi, J Waterton, R Maciewicz, P Dieppe, I Watt, ACR San Francisco, 1995.

MRI can differentiate the effects of intra-articular therapy on synovial proliferation and acute inflammatory changes in the knee joint, M Keen, P Creamer, P A Dieppe, R A Maciewicz, J C Waterton, I D Watt, F Zanairi, Presentation 203, SMR and ESMRMB Nice 1995.


MRI for arthritis research - current pitfalls and future prospects, Martin E. Fry, William Vennart, Richard K. Jacoby, Charles W. Hutton, Julia Gasson, Ian R. Summers, Richard E. Ellis, Elizabeth E. Moore, Michael C. Keen, MAGMA September 1994.