Reading List

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Reading List
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Lecture Notes

We are still constructing this list.  This is the preliminary version.

Basic Reading:

Kyle JG and Allsop L (1997) Sign On Europe, Brussels: EUD

Young A, Ackerman J and Kyle JG (1998) On: Analysis of deaf-hearing relations in professional life, Bristol: Policy Press

Fisher R and Lane H (1993) Looking back: a reader on the history of the deaf communities and their sign languages, Hamburg: Signum

Gregory S and Hartley G (1991) Constructing Deafness, London: Printer

Van Cleve JV (1993) Deaf History Unveiled, Washington DC: Gallaudet Univ Press

Lane H, Hofmeister R and Bahan B (1996) A Journey into the Deaf World, San Diego: DawnSignPress

More Reading:




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This page was last modified January 11, 2000