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The assignment is due to be handed in on March 17th 2000.  It should be 3000 words or 30 minutes of signed video.  Make sure you read the student handbook before preparing your work and DO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY!

Because of the block structure of this version of the course, it is difficult to prescribe tutorials.  It is up to you to fix tutorials either by emailing the tutor or by phoning the secretary at CDS - 0117 954 6900 or Minicom 0117 954 6921.  You would be advised to prepare an assignment outline for the tutor's comments and then a draft to be sent in - BEFORE you submit the final version.

Choose one topic only.

Assignment 1: 21st Century Challenges for Deaf People!
Despite the attitudinal problems of the last two centuries, deaf people enter the new millennium with a great deal of hope.  Discuss, and support with research evidence, how you believe the position of deaf people has changed.  Indicate how deaf people are ready to grasp the opportunities of the 21st century.  You should be careful to be analytical and not anecdotal; make sure you have evidence to support your claims in each section.

Assignment 2: Deaf People in Employment
Analyse the research on deaf people in employment and indicate how the resulting socio-economic position of deaf people has influenced the society which has grown in the UK or in another country.  You can use the various reports on the surveys of employment and session 6 will be especially relevant.

Assignment 3: Cochlear Implants - another final solution?
Examine how the actions and approach of hearing people over the last two centuries has produced a focus on hearing rather than deafness and determine the effects on deaf people's lives.   Look at various solutions, not only cochlear implants.  Be very careful to be objective in what is a highly emotive topic.


The course is copyright
to the Centre for Deaf Studies and the Lecturers named above
and should not be used for any other purpose than personal study.
© 2000

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This page was last modified January 11, 2000