Further Reading



Further Reading

Allsop L and Kyle JG (1982) Deaf People and the Community, Final Report to the Nuffield Foundation, Bristol CDS

Bunting C (1981) Public Attitudes to Deafness, London: OPCS

Corker M (1996)  Deaf Transitions.  London; Jessica Kingsley

This is well worth reading, for its views on deaf identity and the experience of deaf people living in Britain today.  It is rather more realistic and less “frothy” than the Lane, Hoffmeister and Bahan, and is British.

Diaz-Estebanez E et al (1995) Deaf People and their Social Reality, Madrid: Ministerio de Ediucacion y Ciencia

Fletcher L (1987) Language for Ben.  London; Souvenir Press.

 A hearing mother's story about her deaf child learning language.  A good way to get a handle on the impact of “hearingness”. Informative, human, clearly written and rattling good story but maybe now rather dated.  Good for a long train/bus journey.  If you don’t get the chance to read it just yet, bear it in mind for some time.

Gregory S & Hartley J (eds) (1991) Constructing Deafness.   Milton Keynes; Open University Press.

Considers ways in which society defines and constructs ideas of deafness.  Nice to browse through, as all the articles are quite short.  At least try to read the introduction to each section.

Harris J (1997) Deafness and the Hearing, Birmingham: Venture Press

Higgins P & Nash J (eds) (1987) Understanding Deafness Socially. Springfield, Ill; Thomas

Good chapters on the demography of deafness and the socialisation of deaf children.  Rather American.

Jackson PL (1986) The Deaf Community, Report to the British Deaf Association, Carlisle: BDA

Jones L, Kyle J & Wood P (1987) Words Apart - losing your hearing as an adult.  London; Tavistock Press

More academic.  Not always very easy to read but worth persevering with.  British, so more relevant, perhaps.  Good for personal accounts of acquired deafness and its effects.

Kyle JG and Pullen G (1995) Young Deaf People in Employment, Bristol: Centre for Deaf Studies

Lane H (1984) When the Mind Hears, New York: Random House

Lane H (1992) The Mask Of Benevolence.  New York: Alfred Knopf  (especially the chapter entitled “What the FDA did wrong”)

Lee R (1992) Deaf Liberation, London: NUD

McCracken W & Sutherland H (1992) Deaf-ability, not Disability.  Clevedon; Multilingual Matters.

Another good introduction to deafness, aimed specifically at parents of deaf children but useful for any student of the topic.

Matthews P (1996) The Irish Deaf Community, Dublin: Linguistics Institute of Ireland

Mindel E & Vernon McK (1987) They Grow in Silence, San Diego: College Hill

Moore B (1982) An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing.  London; Academic Press.

More in-depth for people who already have a basic knowledge of how the ear works.  If you need a simple introduction, the section in McCracken and Sutherland is good.

Neisser A (1983 and 1990).  The Other Side of Silence.  New York; Alfred Knopf Press.

A hearing person's critical view of the way hearing people have defined what it means to be deaf.  Not always totally accurate, rather out of date now, and occasionally descends into polemic, but easy and informative to read.

Padden C & Humphries T (1988) Deaf in America.  Cambridge Mass; Harvard University Press.

Rezen S & Hausman C  (1985) Coping with hearing loss.  New York; Dembner Press.

Basic and clear, aimed at a non-academic readership, but very American.

Sainsbury S (1986) Deaf Worlds, London: Hutchinson

Taylor G & Bishop J (1991) Being Deaf: The experience of deafness, London: Pinter

This is very American, both from the social community point (the American and British Deaf communities are not the same) and from the point of the style of writing.  It is also slightly “Walt Disney” in its approach, making things perhaps a little more black and white than they really are.  However, it is a very useful introduction to many of the ideas we cover on this course.

Tweedie J (1984) Children's Hearing Problems. Bristol; Wright Press.

An accessible introduction to audiometry and diagnosis of hearing loss in children.

Young A, Ackerman J & Kyle J (1998) Looking On.  Bristol: Policy Press

Straight-forward, accessible summary of the work that was done concerning the status and value of deaf and hearing people in the workplace.

Van Cleve JV (1993) Deaf History Unveiled, Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press

Wilcox S (1989) American Deaf Culture, Silver Spring, Md: LinstokCorker M (1996)  Deaf Transitions.  London; Jessica Kingsley


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