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Reading List


Baker(1993, 2001) is the set book for MSc
You should also read Swainwick and Gregory (2007)  (here)


Ahlgren I and Hyltenstam K (1994) Bilingualism in Deaf Education, Hamburg: Signum

Ahmed W, Darr A, Jones L and Nisar G (1998) Deafness and Ethnicity, Bristol: Policy Press

Alladina S and Edwards V (1991) Multilingualism in the British Isles, London: Longmans

Armstrong DF, Stokoe WC and Wilcox S (1995) Gesture and the Nature of Language, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

*Arnberg L (1987) Raising Children Bilingually: The Pre-School Years, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, ch 3,4,6,7,8,9,10


* Beardsmore HB (1986) Bilingualism: Basic Principles, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Baker C (1993, 2001) Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters - THE SET BOOK

BAKER C. & PRYS JONES S. (1998) Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters)

Berger PL and Luckman T (1966) The Social Construction of Reality, Harmondsworth: Penguin, Section 1, chapter 3; Section 3 chapters 1, 3, 4

Bialystok E (1991) Language Processing in Bilingual Children, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press, especially chapters 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

* Bouvet D (1990) The Path to Language, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters ch 6, 7, 8

Buttjes D and Byram M (1991) Mediating Languages and Culture, Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters


Clark HH (1996) Using Language, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

Cummins J (1984) Bilingualism and Special Education, Clevedon: Multilingal Matters

Cummins J and Swain M (1986)  Bilingualism in Education, London: Longmans

Cummins J (2000) Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters


DE HOUWER A. (1990) The Acquisition of Two Languages From Birth: A case study. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

DE HOUWER A. (1995) Bilingual language acquisition, in P. FLETCHER & B. MACWHINNEY (Eds) The Handbook of Child Language. (Oxford: Blackwell)

Döpke S (1992) One Parent, One Language, Amsterdam: John Benjamins ch 1, 6

Duncan D (1989) Working with Bilingual Language Disability, London: Chapman and Hall


* Freire P (1972) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth: Penguin


GENESEE F. (1978) Is there an optimal age for starting second language instruction? McGill Journal of Education, 13: pp. 145-154

Genessee F (1987) Learning Through Two Languages, Cambridge, Mass: Newbury House

Gregory S, Bishop J and Sheldon L (1995) Deaf Young People and their Families, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

Gregory S and Hartley G (1991) Constructing Deafness, London: Pinter, readings 2.4, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 7.2, 7.7

Gregory S, Knight P, McCracken W, Powers S and Watson L (1998) Issues n Deaf Education, London: David Fulton

Grosjean F (1982) Life with Two Languages, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ Press


* Hamers JF and Blanc MHA (1989) Bilinguality and Bilingualism, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press ch 1, 4, 5, 8, 9

* HARDING E. & RILEY P. (1986) The Bilingual Family. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

HOFFMAN C. (1985) Language acquisition in two trilingual children.    Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 6: pp. 479-495

Homel P, Palij M and Aaranson D (1987) Childhood Bilingualism, Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 7


Immanuel P, Koenig C and Tesni S (1998) Listening to Sounds and Signs: trends in deaf educationa dn communication, Bsangalore, India: Christoffel BlindeMission


KELLER-COHEN D. (1980) A view of child second language learning: using experience with language to learn language. Paper presented to the Fifth Annual Conference on Language Development, Boston University

Krashen S (1981) Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, Oxford: Pergamon

Kroll BM and Vann RJ (1981) Exploring Speaking-Writing Relationships: Connections and Contrasts, Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English - most of the book relevant to the analysis of the 4 language skills and to session 3.

* Kyle J G (1987) Sign and School, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Kyle JG (1994) Growing Up in Sign and Word, Bristol: Centre for Deaf Studies/Deaf Studies Trust

Kyle JG, McEntee L and Woll B (in press) Language and Learning:  proceedings of CLS ‘95, Bristol: Centre for Deaf Studies


Lane H (1992) The Mask of Benevolence, New York: Vintage

Lane H, Hofmeister B and Bahan B (1996) A Journey into the Deaf-World, San Diego: Daqwn Sign

Laser (1987) Educating the Deaf Child, Conference Proceedings, London: Adept

Laser (1988) Deaf Adults Working in Education, Conference Proceedings, London: Adept

Lee R (1992) Deaf Liberation, London: National Union of the Deaf, pages 27-32, 63-66, part 4, part 5

LENNEBERG E. (1967) The Biological Foundations of Language. (New York: John Wiley & Sons)

Lucas C (1989) The Sociolinguistics of the Deaf Community, London: Academic, chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

Lucas C (1990) Sign Language Research: Theoretical Issues, Washington, DC: Gallaudet Univ Press, especially pages 288-321


MCLAUGHLIN B. (1978) Second Language Acquisition in Childhood. (Hillsdale N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)

Marschark M (1993) Psychological Development of Deaf Children, Oxford: Oxford Univ Press

Marschark M, Siple P, Lillo-Martin D, Campbell R and Everhart V (1997) Relations of Language and Thought: the views from sign language and deaf children, Oxford: Oxford Univ Press

MIESEL J. (Ed) (1990) Two First Languages – Early Grammatical Development in Bilingual Children. (Dordrecht: Foris)

MILON J. (1974) The development of negation in English by a second language learner. TESOL Quarterly, 8: pp. 137-143

Miller N (1984) Bilingualism and Language Disability, London: Croom Helm Readings 2, 3, 8, 11

Mindel ED and Vernon McC (1987) They Grow in Silence, Boston: College-Hill


PARADIS J. & GENESEE F. (1996) Syntactic acquisition in bilingual children: autonomous or interdependent?  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18 (1): pp. 1-25

Parasnis I (1998) Cultural and Language Diversity and the Deaf Experience, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

Pinker S (1994) The Language Instinct, London: Penguin

Powers S, Gregory S and Thoutenhoofd ED (1998) The Educational Achievements of Deaf Children RR65, London: DFEE Research Reports

Prillwitz S and Vollhaber T (1990) Current Trends in European Sign Language Research, Hamburg: Signum, readings by Loncke

Prillwitz S and Vollhaber T (1990) Sign Language Research and Application, Hamburg: Signum


Quigley SP and Paul PV (1984) Language and Deafness, San Diego: College-Hill, ch 6


Rodda M and Grove C (1987) Language, Cognition and Deafness, Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, chapters 2, 5, 8

* Romaine S (1989 & 1995 2nd edition) Bilingualism, Oxford: Blackwell


Saunders G (1982) Bilingual Children, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters ch 1,2 7, 8

Schildroth AN and Karchmer MA (1986) Deaf Children in America, San Diego: College-Hill

SINGLETON D. (1989) Language Acquisition: The Age Factor. (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters)

Skuttnab-Kangas T (1981) Bilingualism or Not, Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters ch 3, 4, 5, 8, 10

Stewart DA and Luetke-Stahlman B (1998) The Signing Family: what every parent should know about sign communication, Washington DC: Gallaudet Univ Press

Strong M (1988) Language, Learning and Deafness, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

Sutton-Spence R and Woll B (1998)The Linguistics of British Sign Language, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press

SWAIN M. (1972) Bilingualism as a First Language.  PhD Thesis (Irvine: Universtiy of California)

Swainwick R and Gregory S (2007) Sign Bilingual Education: Policy and Practice (unknown publisher)


TAESCHNER T. (1983) The Sun is Feminine: A Study on Language Acquistiion in Bilingual Children. (Berlin: Springer)

Tarone E (1988) Variation in Interlanguage, London: Edward Arnold, chapters 1, 2

Taylor G and Bishop J (1991) Being Deaf: The Experience of Deafness, London: Pinter

Trueba HT (1989) Raising Silent Voices,  Cambridge, MA: Newbury House


VOLTERRA & TAESCHNER (1978)  The acquisition and development of language by bilingual children.  Journal of Child Language, 5: pp. 311-326

Webster A (1999) Literacy interventions and pupils with hearing impairments, Bristol: School of Education in conjunction with NFER

Weisel A (ed) (1998) Issues Unresolved: new perspectives on language and deaf education, Washington DC: Gallaudet Univ Press

Weisel A (ed) (1998) Insights in Deaf Education, Tel Aviv: Academic Press of the School of Education

Wilcox S (1989) American Deaf Culture, Silver Spring: Linstok, chapters 12,13, 14, 16

Williams P (1984) Special Education in Minority Communities, Milton Keynes: Open University

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This page was last modified January 29, 2007