Centre for the Study of Poverty and Social Justice

The Centre provides integrative perspectives on research impact relating to harm, poverty and inequality, social exclusion, migration, social justice, and socio-legal studies. We are collectively dedicated to advancing critical scholarship, implementing rigorous and innovative methodologies, researching and evidencing injustice, actively influencing policy agendas, and informing positive social action.


See the latest news from the Centre including research findings, publications, project updates and more.

Impact and engagement

Find out about the impact and engagement of our research at the School for Policy Studies.


Centre Head

Dr Sebnem Eroglu-Hawksworth

Administration team


Key themes

Researchers from the CPSJ engage expertise across the university on poverty related research, including collaboration with the Bristol Poverty Institute.

We also specialise in understanding and addressing harm, inequalities and social justice with institutions and NGOs working nationally and internationally.

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