
Get Exercise Confident has been created by William Fotherby, a fourth year medical student, as part of his third-year summer project into sport and exercise medicine.

My sporting background as an international level fencer has meant that I have always had an interest in sports medicine and last year I qualified as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. 

Although initially interested in elite level sports medicine, the more I have researched, the more fascinated I have become at the effects of sport and exercise medicine on public health. 

An ever-growing body of research suggests that regular physical exercise results in significant health benefits, both in terms of mental and physical health. However, there is limited evidence-based education on exercise available to the public, and it has been estimated that over half the population is physically inactive.

A significant gender divide is also a major issue in physical activity, particularly in resistance training, where the ratio of men to women participating is almost 9:1. A recent survey suggested that there are three main factors holding women back from resistance training: a lack of information on how to do it, not understanding the benefits, and feeling intimidated in the weights room of a gym.

Get Exercise Confident aims to tackle these issues, by providing evidence-based education on the benefits of exercise, as well as information on how to do it effectively and safely.

I would like to thank my supervisors Jonathan Williams and Dominic Alder for all their support with this project. I would also like to thank:  

  • Alice Hoad – for all the help designing the webpages
  • Andy McDonald – both for his advice and for his help with filming
  • Dave Rowland – for all his advice and ideas with the project
  • Daisy Media – for the filming and editing of the videos
  • E-Learning Department  - for lending me the filming equipment and camera, as well as funding Daisy Media
  • Elaine Cowsill – for her support with the website administration
  • John Wilford – for his advice and support
  • Rivan Meiarasu, Olivia Buckeldee, Alice Hoad and Will Hughes – for demonstrating the exercises in both videos and photos.

Whether you are a beginner wanting to learn about exercise, or a regular who wants to brush up on their technique, I hope you will find Get Exercise Confident an educational and useful resource.

William Fotherby, Final year medical student and founder of Get Exercise Confident
Andy McDonald filming the glute bridge
Will Fotherby directing the push-up video
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